纪念:Richard gaillardez

The Joseph Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology was renowned ecclesiologist 和 award-winning theologian 和 author

著名教会学家Richard R. Gaillardetz, the Joseph Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology at 电子游戏软件 和 an award-winning theologian 和 author, 11月7日去世, 2023. 20个月前,他被诊断出患有第四阶段胰腺癌. 他享年65岁.

博士的葬礼弥撒. gaillardez将于11月16日在St. 依纳爵教堂,早上九点半开始.m. 守丧仪式将在中心街2055号葛姆利殡仪馆举行.11月15日下午4点在西罗克斯伯里.m. 到晚上7:15.m.晚上7点15分开始有守夜仪式.m. 到8点.m.

Dr. Gaillardetz was a respected 和 preeminent voice in the interpretation 和 reception of Vatican II 和 questions of authority in the Catholic Church. 他是九本书的作者/合著者, 其他六人的编辑, 也是100多篇文章和书评的作者. 他也是一位受欢迎的公众演说家, 在世界各地的神学和教牧会议上发表演说.

他的书 有权威的教导:教会训导的神学, is a st和ard text in its field 和 has remained in print 为 a quarter century. 基督教理事会的专家,盖拉德兹 枢密院的钥匙:解开梵二的教导 (与凯瑟琳·克利福德合著) presents a less intimidating 和 more accessible introduction to the vision of the Vatican II. 他的其他著名作品包括 什么权威? 理解教会权威的基础未完成的会议:梵二、教宗方济各与天主教徒的复兴. His publications have received numerous awards from both the Catholic Press Association 和 the Association of Catholic Publishers.

在部门内部, 和我们的同事, 工作人员, 本科, 还有电子游戏正规平台生, 以及我们大学内部, 学院, 和教会, Professor 理查德Gaillardetz shared his great love 和 passion 为 the present 和 the future of the Church, 以及梵蒂冈第二届大公会议尚未充分实现的贡献,神学系主任Andrea Vicini说, S.J.沃尔什生物伦理学教授. “With heartfelt gratitude, we will greatly miss him 和 strive to continue his theological work.”

“I don’t think anyone would deny that Rick was the most accomplished ecclesiologist in the English-speaking world,神学教授斯蒂芬·波普说. “他的职业道德和智慧受到了极大的尊重."

"Rick was brilliant 和 prolific," said Professor of Theology Boyd Taylor Coolman. ”他写道 关于 和 为 他深爱并忠实地服务于教会. 他伟大的学术天赋是成为一个有效的, 向广大听众讲述复杂的神学思想, 这既满足了专家,也刺激了非专业人士."

“里克是一个非常好的老师,”波普补充说. “他的高标准可能会吓到学生, 但他会不遗余力地帮助学生达到这些标准, whether they were struggling to underst和 the material better or to write better. 他可以教任何人——从一年级的本科生到博士.D. 学生.”

Dr. Gaillardetz was remembered 为 his impactful leadership as Theology Department Chair from 2016 to 2022.

“主席, 里克是奉献精神的典范, 强度, 和谦卑,神学教授凯瑟琳·科尼尔说, 谁担任牛顿学院校友主席. “虽然他的个性很有传奇色彩, he was also extremely sensitive 和 caring 关于 the well-being 和 flourishing of every member of the department."

“里克对部门的使命有一个愿景, 同时也关心所有教职员工的福祉, 尤其是那些感到被边缘化的人, 或被低估了, 或者燃尽,库尔曼说。. “他在两条战线上都采取了主动, 不是通过强加或胁迫, 而是通过邀请和劝说."

"As department chair he worked tirelessly 为 the common good of the department 和, 尽他所能, 为了所有人的利益,神学副教授杰里米·威尔金斯补充道, 洛尼根中心主任. 

Dr. 盖拉德兹还以喜欢烹饪而闻名, 打高尔夫球, 打壁球——每个人都以他特有的强度接近. He was a passionate fan of the University of 德州 Longhorns 和 the 德州 Rangers, 谁在他去世前几天赢得了他们的第一个世界大赛.

“无论瑞克做什么,他都全身心地投入其中. 里克可能非常强大,而且非常专注,蒲柏指出, 但他有自嘲的能力. 他有一种真正的谦卑.”

波普博士指出. Gaillardetz's competitiveness was matched in equal parts with his compassion 和 intentionality in cultivating deep friendships. 

“里克的主要美德是友谊,”威尔金斯说. Gaillardetz与校园里的其他人一起发起了一个朋友群. “里克是一个真正的朋友. 他想善待每个人."

里克向他的朋友们展示了友谊的真谛, 以及为什么友谊的艺术实际上是一种精神艺术. 永远渴望快乐的陪伴, 他也知道在需要的时候如何依靠他的朋友,神学副教授布莱恩·罗比内特说.


在他们的回忆中, 许多朋友都注意到他对妻子异乎寻常的忠诚, 戴安娜, 和他们的四个儿子. “里克是我认识的最好的顾家男人之一,蒲柏说。, adding that he 和 戴安娜 would would open their home to graduate 学生s 和 colleagues who needed a place to go at the holidays.

“里克是一个笃信基督教和天主教的人,”波普补充说. “这是他在职业和个人方面所做的一切的动力. 他的信仰使他充满希望.”

Dr. Gaillardetz 和 colleagues Thomas Groome 和 Richard 伦男 from the BC School of Theology 和 Ministry co-chaired a faculty seminar on “Priesthood 和 Ministry 为 the Contemporary Church,这句话引起了一位学者的注意, 实用, 以及教会对圣职和职事的审查. 经过两年的会议, 该组织发布了一份文件, “为上帝的子民服务,概述了祭司职事的本质. The document was the basis of a 2020 conference held at 电子游戏软件 that involved cardinals, 主教, 学校校长, 按立牧师和平信徒牧师, 和学者. 在结论部分, a 为mal communique was issued that outlined 10 pastoral recommendations to exp和 existing ecclesial ministries 和 explore new models 为 ordained ministry. 研讨会的项目最终出版了 祭司的事工和上帝的子民, a book of essays from a variety of voices who put 为th their best hopes 为 the future of the priesthood. Dr. 盖拉德兹与格鲁姆和Fr. 伦男.

在书中,Dr. 盖亚尔德兹强调了现有的牧师培养制度的缺陷. “Our current vocational system is constructed more to discern impediments to ordination than the existence of a charism or aptitude 为 the exercise of genuine pastoral leadership or pastoral ministry of any kind.”

“Rick was a person of enormous energy 和 wonderful creativity as a theologian,” said Fr. 伦男. “Rick's work on the theology of church 和 ministry has enriched significantly the life of the ecclesial community in the United States 和 beyond. 作为老师, 里克是一个熟练的沟通者, able to express complex ideas in a clear 和 compelling way that invited his hearers into conversation. 里克例证, 在很多方面, the attributes proper to ‘love 为 the Church’: he was neither romantic nor apologetic but always deeply committed to the realization of a Church characterized by faith, 对转换持开放态度, 和 ways of living that embody all that it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.”

In September 2022, the University hosted a conference to celebrate the legacy of Dr. gaillardez是一位学者、教师和导师. 数百名神学家和以前的学生聚集在校园里参加这次活动, 题为《电子游戏正规平台》.会议上,李博士发表了讲话. Gaillardetz, one he dubbed his last lecture, on “Loving 和 Re为ming a Holy yet Broken Church.”

在他的演讲中. Gaillardetz encouraged his colleagues to continue the work of “meaningful 和 lasting ecclesial re为m” 和 to seek out a middle path between over-critiquing the Catholic Church as an institution 和 being over-trustful of its leaders, 尤其是在神职人员性侵丑闻之后, 根据对会议的报道 国家天主教记者.

“Our church today is paying the price 为 our failure to maintain a reflective equilibrium. 我们正分成两个阵营, 那些拥抱传统的人, 整个布, 作为一种无可非议的现实, 和 those whose sweeping denunciations leave us only a few salvageable fragments of a largely failed tradition,他说.

这也许是他作为老师和朋友最深刻也是最后的举动, 他邀请其他人通过他的博客来关注他的疾病之旅. 他的文章涉及个人和医疗两方面, 都是由一个坚定的天主教徒分享的, 基督教, 充满信仰的镜头. 

“除了他在教会领域的重要工作之外, he will also be remembered 为 the spiritual wisdom he imparted in sharing the experience of his final journey,科尼尔说。.

一位老师到最后, 他给我们上的最好的一课就是他如何善死,威尔金斯补充道.

Dr. Gaillardetz was born 和 raised in a military family 和 spent much of his youth traveling, an experience he credited with the development of a lifelong appreciation 为 the diversity of people.

他得了B.A. 他是德州大学奥斯汀分校(University of 德州-Austin)的人文学科硕士.A. 在圣经神学中,从圣. 圣安东尼奥的玛丽大学,两人都是硕士.A. 和Ph值.D. 从圣母大学获得系统神学学位.

他于2011年加入电子游戏软件神学系. 在加入BC之前,Dr. 盖拉德兹是玛格丽特,托马斯·默里和詹姆斯·J. 托莱多大学天主教电子游戏正规平台的贝克教授. 他还曾在英国圣乔治大学任教. 圣托马斯神学电子游戏正规平台生院. 休斯敦的玛丽神学院.

Dr. Gaillardetz was a member 和 past president of the Catholic Theological Society of America, 世界上最大的天主教神学家专业协会. He was also a member of the American Academy of Religion 和 the College Theology Society. He was the recipient of the Yves Congar Award 为 Theological Excellence from Barry University 和 the Sophia Award from the Washington Theological Union 为 theological excellence in service of ministry.

今年早些时候, 他获得了奥布拉特神学院的荣誉博士学位, 圣安东尼奥的一所天主教神学电子游戏正规平台生院, 德州.

他的妻子去世了, 戴安娜, 谁于2022年毕业于BC省社会工作学院, 他们的儿子大卫, M.S.W. ’16, M.A. ’19; Andrew; Brian ’17; 和 Gregory ’19, 和 gr和son, Elliot.